Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What does China have against redheads?

Beijing says no red hair for cabbies

BEIJING - Red hair and the big earrings are out for women Beijing cab drivers in the run-up to next summer's Olympic Games, a state-run newspaper reported Wednesday.

The bans were part of a 12-item self-improvement list given to cab drivers by the city's transport management bureau, the Beijing News said.

The list includes the usual pleas to be polite and not to smoke, spit or overcharge, plus the hair and jewelry tips for women. Men were told not to have long hair.

"Some drivers don't care about their appearance and this has a negative impact on the whole industry," the bureau's vice director Yao Kuo was quoted as saying by the newspaper.

"A person's hairstyle and accessories are their personal business, but cab drivers must remember they are a window for China's capital," Yao said.

Drivers who do not use their meters or refuse to pick up passengers will lose their licenses, the paper said.

What does China have against redheads?

have you ever seen a redheaded Chinese woman, YIKES, good for Beijing

What does China have against redheads?

it doesn't mean redheads in the true sense of the word, obviously there are no Chinese with naturally red hair

it means dying your hair red, like bright red

What does China have against redheads?

Red headed Chinese?

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